Our Founder’s Story

Like any child, I was also a curious (and sometimes cheeky) child, with many strengths and interests, which if nurtured, would make a huge impact not only in my life but the community as well. Unfortunately, the foundation of my education was off to a rocky start right from the beginning.

With life switching between Kenya, Africa and a war-zone area (Congo), my education was as shaky as life itself was for me and my family.  I recall being sent home countless of times due to unpaid fees , missed classes, missed exams and more. Sometimes I’d even miss the rest of the trimester.

You can imagine how shameful it felt being called by the school accountant to pack your bags and go home in front of all your friends. And even then, the shame was somewhat manageable—there was not much within my control so I just had to find a way to deal with things.  But seeing live how my future was at stake? Now that was difficult to digest. Sadly, this is the bitter pill countless of kids have to face, especially in underdeveloped countries where resources and support are less.

Like most kids who figure out early that they need to step up and fight for a future, I started knocking on doors asking for help  from my friends’ parents and my family living abroad. With their support I was able to go back to school and after high school also take some IT classes.

While studying, I started helping my brother at a local cyber cafe so that I could gain some live experience and also earn a bit of pocket money. I would go to classes during the day and work in the afternoon. This part time gig became a full time job in no time.  It was a cool place to work, the location was ideal, our employer was also a friend. I didn’t  have much to complain about the job, but I still felt I could become and do more. My thirst for knowledge was higher than ever— I just wanted to study wherever that could be.

I connected with my cousin who lives in France and we talked about the possibility of moving to France for college/university studies. I was excited to hear that I could study for free, if only I could speak the language. So I  started taking french classes and completed my diploma level at Alliance Francaise.

With the help of my employer, I applied for a student visa and moved to France. I was in one of the most magnificent cities in the world but I couldn’t and didn’t soak it in even for a moment. I will not bore you with all the obstacles, survival and even some rough hungry days that I encountered.  In the end I graduated with a diploma in Computer Networking which then opened up doors for me to work in Dubai and Canada. I am now married with three beautiful kids, living in Canada and a stable job with the biggest telecom provider in the country.

Even though I always had the motivation, thirst, drive to acquire knowledge and to grow in life, NOTHING would have been possible without the help I got from my friends’ parents, family abroad, and my employer. And even then, NO GROWTH beyond the average lifestyle would be possible without the mentoring my wife and I received from our mentor Dave Darby, who is now a dear family friend. They all changed my, our life by boosting and expanding the opportunities for us.

And so, during one of my visits to Kenya back in 2019, I met teenagers who were thirsty for a brighter future, but  they didn’t know when or how their parents would come up with school fees. It really hit home and reminded me of the frustration of not knowing what one’s future holds or worse, not knowing how to change things.

That harsh reminder and peek inside an experience I knew all too well,  inspired The Uplifting Youth Foundation. Our mission is to help kids that are seeking knowledge or  wanting to acquire a skill to boost their chances at success, but have limited finances. While it’s a noble vision, I simply cannot do it alone and need your help. Together, let’s give struggling youth and kids a boost towards a more successful life than they can achieve on their own.

Our youth need us. They need you. So please be sure to check out these blogs to explore how we can network together: 4 Quick Ways to Make an Impact without Directly Using Money and also Crazy Simple Ways You Can Help Us Fundraise

Thanks for reading and listening.
~ Daud

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