Our First $5 & How It’s Already Making an Impact!

It was a fine Saturday evening when Daud and I visited my uncle for a family/social meet up. It was fun—great company, great food, great energy and laughter all around.

My cousins (14 and 10) are always eager to hear about our projects and in fact one of our biggest ambassadors and supporters. So of course, when we got a quiet moment, Daud, our founder started sharing the vision of Uplifting Youth, it’s launch plans and more importantly, its “Why”

Ismail, the older one quickly brought out his phone, checking if social media accounts out there exist with the same name as our chosen one. Meanwhile, Gulam listened, soaking in the conversation, but silent. We weren’t too sure if he was connecting and getting it all—we assumed it was because he has not yet seen the pains and challenges we talked about solving. We thought maybe he wasn’t connecting to the vision yet, and that was okay.

As we wrapped up the conversation, prepping to transit into watching a movie, Gulam asked me to join him in his room  because he wanted to show me something. “What’s up?” I asked, curious as to why he wasn’t settling down for the movie yet.

I watched in awe as this 10-year old, brought out his wallet where his savings were. He might have had about $130 in there and generously handed $80 to me. “Here, this is for the foundation.” What a surprise, very sweet moment.

I was so touched, hugged him and appreciated the gesture, and told him he didn’t have to donate, that we just wanted to update him regarding our new project. “I know, but I want you to have this.” he said, calmly and confidently.

“How about you donate $5 for today as a start?” I asked. I didn’t want him to part with more in that moment, especially as his parents were not yet aware. Curious, I asked why he decided to donate that much. “That part about kids separating from their family, to be taken care by someone else because their parents can’t afford their school fees and education. I don’t want that to happen.” I was amazed at his empathy, his silent but STRONG character.

After hugging and thanking him again, I shared that money wasn’t all the support we needed. Great ideas on building our foundation were important too, for example ideas on how to bring in money to support youths who struggled.

He was quick to think on his feet and shared how he felt people could do chores for their families and neighbours, in exchange for payment that could then be donated to our foundation. Brilliant. His idea even lead to the article: Crazy Simple Ways You Can Help Us Fundraise!

Gulam just made my day and inspired me so much. So did Armaan, my 9 year old stepson, as he eagerly listened to my experience with Gulam. “But why would some kids give up their money for donations. Some rather collect money and use it for themselves.”  Hhhmm, I hadn’t thought about that!

“So what do we do, how do we inspire kids and youth to join and add value?” I asked. We processed this obstacle and found some ways to motivate both kids and adults. It was beautiful watching Armaan find ways that we could celebrate and appreciate our ambassadors and supporters, a way of giving back to them for their generous time, energy and donations.

Stay tuned with us to hear all the ways YOU and your KIDS will benefit from joining and supporting our vision. In the meantime, let’s soak in and celebrate just how much kids contribute to society, when given the voice and opportunity to do so. All they need is a chance, an opportunity—and that’s what we are all about!

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