8 Crazy-Simple Ways You Can Help Us Collect Funds

Here are quick and easy ways to help us reach out to more youth who are facing educational obstacles:

Chores in Exchange for Payment: 

This brilliant idea is from one of our 10 year old ambassadors, Gulam Ismail. He suggested both kids and adults do chores around their homes and neighbourhoods, and through that, collect some funds for our program. Way to go Gulam. We will make a difference in many lives with the support, energy and brilliance such as yours!

Exchange a Birthday/Christmas or Party Gift for a Donation:

Maybe your birthday is coming up. Perhaps Christmas is around the corner or maybe it’s your baby shower party. This year, consider asking for donations in place of gifts and make a huge difference to our collective funds.

Give Up a Luxury Item Just for a Day:

Maybe you love buying your morning coffee/tea as you walk to school or frequently buy outside lunch. Just for one moment or maybe a whole day, give up luxury items and voila—you will have made a bit of extra cash that you can now donate to a youth who is struggling with their education.

Sell Items You No Longer Need: 

Hit two birds with one stone! Get cleaning of closets going in your home/neighbourhood and collect all items that are no longer in use. With our help, organize a yard or online sale and let’s collect some funds that will boost somebody else’s chances at success.

Organize an Event:

Let’s partner and organize events such as fundraiser luncheons, dinners, bidding events, movie nights and more. These are perfect ways to have fun while helping others out there through the funds we collect together.  What’s even better is that with all the technology around us, a lot of these events can also be held virtually! Let’s get creative—hey how about a virtual DANCE COMPETITION?

Items for Sale On Our Site:

We are launching some products soon that you can take away with you and help us sell. This could be candy, popcorn, a spa-day ticket etc. We will arrange how best to plan for item and collected funds pickup from one another.  Once you pick your item of choice, find ways to inspire  your family, friends and neighbours to purchase, and therefore immediately impacting the life of a struggling child out there.

Direct Donation Via Our Website.

Visit our donation page to via the different ways that you can contribute. No amount is too small or big. You might prefer an item in exchange for your donation and if so, you’ll love our cute products that are launching soon.

Which one is your best path? Are you ready to get started? Drop us a message if so, we would love to hear from you! And no worries if you feel you are not able to help us collect funds directly, here are other simple and quick ways you can help without money.

Connect Us to a Local Business & Let’s Fundraise Together

We would love an opportunity to connect with a local business around you. The business can help in any one of these 3 ways. 1) Donating a product/service that we then sell/auction and allocate the collected funds to a youth in need (2) We partner on a fundraising-event and together push clients to their business. In return, we receive a percentage of their profits for our foundation. (3) They make a direct donation and help us broaden our reach to struggling youths around our communities. Help connect us, and together, let’s raise some funds that will impact lives!

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